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ORPHAN RUN 4 HOPE helps ordinary people do extraordinary things by participating in 5K, 1/2 or Full Marathon Charity Runs to benefit Orphan Children around the World. We exist to connect individuals, churches, states, and regions to the most basic needs of orphans and orphanages.

The Statistics are staggering
Every day, orphan children around the world are at risk of survival because of extreme poverty, disease, sex trafficking, and child slave labor.
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die every year from hunger and a large percent are Orphans.

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are sold across international borders each year.

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are believed to be trapped in some form of Child Labor Slavery.

Orphans around the world need your help! Without adults to speak on their behalf, Orphans are exceptionally vulnerable. Without Adult supervision or proper medical care, Orphans fall victim to hunger, disease and ailments, that otherwise could be cured with simple treatments.

FACT: In many areas of the world, Orphanages provide the Best and Last line of defence against these realities in third world countries. But many existing Orphanages are financially struggling.

You can make a Significant Difference in the life of an Orphan! You have the ability with God’s help to rescue and provide a safe, Christian upbringing for Orphan Children. HOW? By taking this simple Challenge… Participate in an OR4H event where you invite your friends, co-workers, and relatives to donate to HELP YOU Make a Significant Impact.

Strengthening Orphanages and providing for the needs of Orphans around the World.
how to help

ORPHAN RUN 4 HOPE PROJECT is in partnership with two networks that help over 50 Orphanages in 27 Countries around the World. This is facilitated through our relationships with “YWEA“, “Serving Orphans Worldwide” and “Church of God World Missions“.

Your financial support goes to help Orphan Children in 27 Countries! Your investment will help Orphan children who, without an Orphanage, would be at risk of starvation, disease, abuse, or trafficking. Every $20 donated feeds an Orphan Child for an entire month! Each person in our team is trying to raise money for at least 1-year supply of food ($240) for an Orphan Child, so any amount you can give would be a blessing to Orphans around the World!


Energise and Motivate your church to participate in a Kingdom cause.

What we do

The Run 4 Hope events are Fun for the whole Family and include a:
  • 5k Run/Walk
  • 1 K Fun Walk
  • Kids Adventure Run
  • Color War Runs
  • Youth Camp Runs
  • Half/Full Marathons
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27)
Charity Runs are a great way to add energy and momentum to your Church while participating in the kingdom cause of "Caring for Orphans and Orphanages".

Here are a few of the specific Benefits Your Church can expect:

to support Orphans without drawing from their church budget.

In our current extended season of economic challenges, Orphan Run 4 Hope Project does not use typical means of supporting mission projects. There are no offerings or pledges. Instead it uses the relational currency of co-workers, neighbours, friends, family, and local businesses to generate donations. By targeting funds outside the Church, it does not take money from a Church’s budget or Missions budget. All contributions come from outside of the Church and donations are done simply and electronically through a secure website.

while empowering participants to do something significant.

Runners and non-runners alike will experience the motivational power of a cause greater than themselves that motivates them to accomplish the goal. They will see first hand how they can impact the world for Christ in a significant way. As they train for the event, participants become a team and develop authentic community as they strive toward the goal of completing the race and raising funds to provide for the specific needs of Orphans. For many of the people who have never done a race, the process is a physical journey to get in better shape as well as a spiritual journey to accomplish something that adds health to their lifestyle. The feeling of accomplishment from starting and completing the journey makes a significant impact on participants and Orphan Children.

to do something for Christ by tapping into their relational network. Each person uses their God given relationships at work, with neighbors, friends & family members for the pure cause of financially helping Orphans. The money raised helps rescue and provide care for Orphan Children. Participants will invite people to support them on this noble quest.

to Church, a worthy missions project & Jesus’ love.

This innovative Charity Run is a great community outreach tool to gain Church exposure in their community. As participating people from partnering Churches start asking co-workers and friends to get involved, it highlights how their Church is engaged in a worthy cause. Also, participation is not limited to Church members. Participants are encouraged to invite co-workers and friends to run in the event. It is a great time to develop relationships with people that do not know Jesus and help them understand His love.

through contagious, active people.

The running participants become a part of a team that train together and discover the joy of active participation. Once a person taps into how they can make a significant impact in God’s Kingdom… they want to serve more and gather others to join.

You can make the difference in the life of an orphan child.

There are an increasing amount of Races and Charity Runs people can participate in these days. ORPHAN RUN 4 HOPE is unique: you help impact the lives of over 6,700 Orphan Children in over 50 Orphanages in 27 Countries.

What if I'm a Non-Runner?
Non-Runners make Great Participants!

The journey is spiritual and physical as you trust God to empower you toward better health while making a global impact. We have a “Couch to Race” training outline that will help Non-Runners succeed. Also, you would be running for a PURE CAUSE (James 1:27). Often we are not motivated enough in and of ourselves… but the cause of helping Orphan Children should.

ORPHAN RUN 4 HOPE PROJECT helps ordinary people do EXTRAORDINARY things!
For general information or other inquiries: aandrade@churchofgod.org